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The Prospect Trust

About Us

Delivering our Vision

The curriculum drives Trust development.

Engaging curriculum

What we teach and how we teach it is central to all Academies in The Prospect Trust. To deliver this across all of our Academies, we focus on ensuring these four enablers are in place.

Our core values - underpinning how we work

Our core values

These values underpin how we expect and encourage everyone in The Prospect Trust, including all of our academies, to collaborate and support each other in striving to deliver our vision.

Our vision for our young people 

  1. Be moral and good citizens - treat others as they would wish to be treated
  2. Respect themselves - be happy in themselves (physically and mentally)
  3. Practise virtues that build character - intellect, morality, civic purpose and performance
  4. Formulate a vision for their life - personal aspiration framed around demanding goals
  5. Experience success to ensure they stay motivated
  6. Learn what drives success - careful preparation, effort, flexibility, persistence, etc.
  7. Believe in themselves - take control of their studies, believe they can succeed
  8. Value knowledge (gathering and practising) as pivotal to increasing their 'ability'
  9. Focus on maximising their own performance - rather than just competing again others
  10. Gain the self-assurance to achieve their life goals

Our vision - smoothing the transitions 

Our vision - smoothing the transitions

We firmly believe that close collaboration between staff working across all stages of education can deliver real benefits to our learners.

Our strategic priorities

Quality of Education

  • Embed a culture of high aspirations and expectations for all across TPT's Academies that enables all learners to fully realise their academic and personal potential, regardless of starting points and backgrounds
  • Ensure that every TPT learner engages with a high-quality, inclusive curriculum and effective, evidence-based pedagogical practise for all groups of learners, with additional support provided where required so that no learner is left behind

Workforce Development

  • Develop an effective Trust-wide people strategy, including a high-quality professional development programme for all staff at all stages of their careers and the development of a coaching culture at all levels
  • Create further opportunities for impactful Trust-wide professional and learner collaboration

Strategic Growth

  • Raise the profile of the Trust and increase the number and diversity of member and partner Academies
  • Create a cost-effective, sustainable operating model that enables all member Academies to thrive