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The Prospect Trust

The Prospect Trust Careers Service


The Prospect Trust Careers Services support the Trust and local schools and colleges in meeting their Ofsted framework, by providing high quality independent and impartial careers advice and guidance services.

We wholeheartedly support the need for careers provision to be a priority in schools and colleges. The Sixth Form College Farnborough studentsWe are passionate about ensuring that all young people receive the support that they require to progress confidently into their chosen destination and have the skills to make a positive difference.

All of our staff are level 6 qualified, and we are committed to ensuring that they are trained to deliver the very best service to you and to your students.

Our Services

We support schools and colleges to effectively achieve their statutory requirements and follow the Gatsby Benchmarks, by offering a high-quality, tailored careers service to meet the needs of the school and the students.

Gatsby benchmarks

You can find out more about the schools we are currently working with by clicking the button below:

 For further information please contact Nikki Coleman, Head of CEIAG email:  |  Tel: 01252 688246